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[Humism] Kato Automatic Kinetic Art watches

Amazon価格 : ¥ 75,250 

Sapphire Crystal with Anti-Reflective Coating
Automatic (Japan)
Unisex. 5.5 to 8 inch wrists

カテゴリー: , タグ: , , 製品ID: 21467


同心円のシンプルさに基づいたこのデザインは、調和のとれた複雑さを実現します。 花びらのさまざまな層が交互に咲き、48枚の花びらがすべて同時に開くとゆっくりと盛り上がります Founded on the simplicity of concentric circles, this design achieves an harmonious complexity. Different layers of petals bloom alternately, slowly building up to a climax as 48 petals all open simultaneously.

Sapphire Crystal with Anti-Reflective Coating
Automatic (Japan)
Unisex. 5.5 to 8 inch wrists

